Who’s getting braces? You may be surprised!

     #For Adults      #Patient Care

Adult Orthodontic Treatment

When one is asked to picture a person with braces, many think of a preteen or teenager. While yes, orthodontic treatment is very popular with patients in that age group, more and more people are becoming receptive to undergoing orthodontic treatment during their later adult years. In fact, seeing an adult with braces is now more common than ever. 

There are many reasons you shouldn’t hesitate to contact Dr. McIntosh’s office if you believe you are in need of adult treatment. With advancements made within the orthodontics industry, very little stands in the way of a straight and healthy smile.

Many do not realize that teeth can move at any age––not just during the period of development after loss of baby teeth. Whether it is natural growth patterns or an injury, a person’s teeth can continue shifting––even after having braces! Orthodontists have also learned over the years to recommend longer retention to ensure patients enjoy their smile for years and years to come.  

Braces are, in general, far less noticeable than they used to be. There are even options that are practically invisible! Due to this, there is hardly any reason to avoid orthodontic treatment simply because of embarrassment or insecurity.

Dr. McIntosh and his team are extremely experienced with providing quality adult orthodontic treatment. Request your free consultation today and see what the options are for your new smile!